Course curriculum

    1. Understand Your Depression-Lesson 1

    2. Understand Your Depression-Lesson 2

    3. Understand Your Depression-Lesson 3

    1. Identify Your Triggers & Patterns - Lesson 1 Part 1

    2. Identify Your Triggers & Patterns - Lesson 1 Part 2

    3. Identify Your Triggers & Patterns - Lesson 2 Part 1

    4. Identify Your Triggers & Patterns - Lesson 2 Part 2

    5. Identify Your Triggers & Patterns - Lesson 3 Part 1

    6. Identify Your Triggers & Patterns - Lesson 3 Part 2

    1. Recognize Negative Thoughts & Apply CBT - Lesson 1

    2. Recognize Negative Thoughts & Apply CBT - Lesson 2

    3. Recognize Negative Thoughts & Apply CBT - Lesson 3

    1. Explore the Impact of Loss on Depression

    1. Connect Early Childhood Experiences to Adult Depression

    1. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation Lesson 1

    2. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation Lesson 2

    3. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation Lesson 3

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content
  • Worth more than 10 counseling session for the price of one, this structured and comprehensive online Christian based depression management course is designed to guide you through a transformative journey, incorporating Biblical principles into each module. The used approach aims to empower you with a range of coping skills, self-awareness, and a personalized plan for managing depression in various aspects of life. It’s important to remain flexible, adjusting the plan based on the progress, and unique needs.

Act now, Get rid of Depression